Taylor Business Products is also your source for office furniture. We offer a comprehensive selection of products and services for offices, corporate, financial, healthcare and educational facilities. For a sampling of our offering, please request our furniture catalog. Space Planning and Design We can supplement your ideas or lend an entirely new perspective to designing a well-conceived office environment with our computer-aided design technology and design staff. We have experience with many product lines and are well-versed to serve your particular needs. Installation Taylor professionals will deliver, assemble, and install your Value Priced Budget and Mid-Line furniture within three to five days. Decorator Touches When creating your office dacor, don't forget the walls! Visually attractive office space increases productivity and adds zest to your workplace. Discover artwork to complete your office ambience with Taylor's Lorell Art offering. Special Order Items In addition to our extensive offering of in-stock, quick-ship items, Taylor has thousands of special order items available from hundreds of manufacturers delivered in 4-6 weeks. Additionally, we can upholster chairs with custom fabric, match finish to existing furniture, and more. Please ask about your special needs or concerns.